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Tidy Malls Privacy Policy

Welcome to Tidy Malls! We're committed to providing you with a safe and enjoyable shopping experience while respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you visit our Wix-powered online store.

What information do we collect?

Customer Information: Name, email address, shipping address, billing address, phone number, purchase history, and product preferences.

Technical Information: IP address, browser type, operating system, date, and time of visit, pages accessed, and cookies.

Social Media Information: If you sign in or connect to us through social media, we may collect your basic profile information.

How do we use your information?

Process orders and fulfill requests: We use your information to process your orders, send you order confirmations and shipping updates, and contact you regarding your purchases.

Personalize your experience: We use your information to recommend products you might like and personalize your shopping experience.

Improve our store: We use your information to analyze website traffic and understand customer behaviour to improve our products and services.

Marketing and communications: With your consent, we may send you promotional emails and newsletters about our latest products, offers, and events.

Your choices and control:

Cookies: You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Marketing emails: You can unsubscribe from our marketing emails at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the email or by contacting us.

Account access and deletion: You can access and update your personal information in your account settings. You can also request to delete your account by contacting us.

How do we protect your information?

We take reasonable security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include:

Secure servers with encryption

Access controls and password protection

Data security training for our staff

Wix Privacy Policy:

We use Wix's platform to power our website. You can learn more about their privacy practices here:

Changes to this policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post any changes on this page, so please be sure to check back regularly.

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